Thursday, 12 September 2013

Off the Plan Sales - How to Avoid Them & When to Enforce Them

This morning, I sat on a panel of three barristers who each gave a short talk about "Off the Plan Sales -  How to Avoid Them & When to Enforce Them". 

The papers will all eventually be available on the Greens List web site: 

I spoke about material changes to Plans of Subdivision. My post on 3 May 2013 dealt with both cases recently decided in the Supreme Court of Victoria: Lockwood v PSP and Besser v Alma Homes

Tom Pikusa spoke about building defects; and 

James McKay spoke about delays in registration of plans of subdivision and the case Flight v. Booth (1834) 131 ER 1160, which allows a purchaser to avoid a sale if the land the vendor seeks to convey does not accord with the description of that land contained in the contract in a fundamental way.

W G Stark
Hayden Starke Chambers